Senate debates

Tuesday, 2 July 2024


Economics References Committee; Reference

6:30 pm

Photo of Malcolm RobertsMalcolm Roberts (Queensland, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party) Share this | Hansard source

Yesterday in question time I asked the minister representing the Minister for Climate Change and Energy Senator Wong a simple question: exactly how many wind turbines, solar panels, batteries and kilometres of transmission lines were built last month? You'd think that, as the cornerstone of the Labor Party's policy in government, the answer would be obvious and clear and given to me straightaway. To her credit—and I have a lot of regard for Senator Wong's capability and think she's one of the most capable senators in parliament—she said, 'I don't know.' It's the key policy for the Labor government, and they're flying blind.

Here's what I told her in the second question. 'Minister, the government's own figures to meet your net zero target show that over the next eight years you need to install and connect more than 40 wind turbines per month, 22,000 solar panels a day, 48 gigawatt hours of batteries and 28,000 kilometres of transmission lines. I pointed out to her that the government is building nothing like that.

The government's wind and solar pipedream is going to be a nightmare. We are being driven off a cliff by the energy minister, Chris Bowen—


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