Senate debates

Tuesday, 2 July 2024


Economics References Committee; Reference

6:30 pm

Photo of Malcolm RobertsMalcolm Roberts (Queensland, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party) Share this | Hansard source

Minister Bowen. This is a gargantuan task. This has been labelled by some people as the biggest transition since the start of the Industrial Revolution. It's fundamental because energy has primacy in our society. Labor cannot tell us the cost of this transition of dumping affordable, lowest cost, reliable, stable and secure energy independent of nature's vagaries and transitioning to an unreliable, high cost, unstable energy that is weather dependent and not secure. This is madness. But to do it without any costing is doubly mad.

Think about it. We are giving parasitic billionaires and major corporations from around the world—many of them from China—subsidies for installing solar and wind. Those subsidies drive up the cost of electricity, and then we ship our manufacturing to China. China wins in two ways. We have got a National Electricity Market forcing out coal with unfavourable regulations—just driving coal out by making it impossible to feed the market. But it's not a market; it's a so-called market that bureaucrats control. It's a national electricity racket that was introduced by John Howard's coalition government.

While they're driving out coal and subsidising solar and wind, they now admit they need to keep Eraring Power Station open. They were going to shut it. They're now offering subsidies to the owners and operators of Eraring to keep it open, so we're subsidising them to shut it and we're subsidising them to open it and then we're giving $275 relief in power prices to consumers across Australia. Why? Because the energy policy has failed.

By the way, I need to mention that on the night of the incoming Minns government, the new energy minister said that they would have to look at the closure of Eraring. She was laying a signal there—a hint—that they'd keep it open. That's exactly what they must do because they're terrified. The Australian Energy Market Operator has identified severe blackouts around December this year.

The No. 1 factor that has driven our standard of living for the last 170 years since the start of the industrial revolution has been relentless reduction in energy prices, the unit cost of energy. It's been a relentless reduction in the real cost of energy. That was until John Howard's government introduced the renewable energy target and other measures, and since then it has relentlessly increased. Australia has gone from having the cheapest coal and the cheapest electricity prices, thanks to our wonderful coal assets—high-quality, clean coal—to now having amongst the most expensive electricity.

So let's have a look at the terms of reference for the inquiry that Senator Colbeck has proposed. I thank Senator Colbeck for his motion. It says:

That the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation GenCost 2023-24 report be referred to the Economics References Committee for inquiry and report … to explore assumptions and costings made in the report, including but not limited to—

the CSIRO has been criticised for every one of these things I'm about to read out—

a. asset lifecycles;

b. capacity factors;

c. energy type costings;

d. financing costs;

e. fuel costs;

f. augmentation requirements of transmission systems;

g. data standards techniques; and

h. other related matters.

CSIRO has been belted by experts on every one of these. We badly need this inquiry. These are the fundamentals of the biggest transition since the industrial revolution.

CSIRO used to be a highly respected organisation. It was internationally respected. It has now come to mean 'corrupted science is really obvious'. It lost its way distorting and omitting science to fabricate support for the UN's climate fraud. The CSIRO has never presented the basis of science which is empirical scientific data—measurements and observations—within logical scientific points that prove cause and effect. The CSIRO has been integral in working with the UN climate change body, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, in pushing distortions of science.

I have had three meetings with the CSIRO at 2½ hours each and, under cross-examination, it has admitted that it has never said that there has been any danger due to human carbon dioxide. It has admitted that, even though climate change was based initially on global warming claims, temperatures are not unprecedented. It has claimed the rate of temperature change is unprecedented, but the rate of temperature change is almost negligible since 1995. It's almost flat. That's according to NASA's scientific satellite measuring temperatures. The CSIRO gave us not one solid paper to back up its claims. What it did give us was two papers we tore to shreds. Then they gave us another two, and we tore them to shreds. There are 24,000 datasets that I have access to that have been scraped from sites all over the world, including CSIRO's and BOM's case studies, and there is not one that shows any change in any climate factor—not one. It's just inherent natural variation with cycles superimposed. Not only that but the CSIRO has never provided bases for policy and neither has any department or the alphabet soup of energy agencies. They have all failed to answer my question: what's the specific effect of carbon dioxide from human activity on climate, on any aspect of climate or on any factor of climate? What is the quantified specific effect per unit of carbon dioxide from human activity? Ocean heat content, air temperatures, ocean temperatures, storm frequency, severity and duration—not one of them can give me any answers on those at all. That is the basis for policy. Without that, you cannot understand or evaluate the options for reducing human carbon dioxide, you cannot track the progress of the measures and you cannot cost the alternatives. This is flying blind over a cliff. Electricity prices in every country with significant solar and wind have increased dramatically. Labor is simply continuing the policy that John Howard started, Tony Abbott continued, Malcolm Turnbull accelerated, Scott Morrison continued and Peter Dutton now propagates by confirming net zero.

Let's turn specifically to the CSIRO report, GenCost. CSIRO used to be a respected scientific organisation, advancing our country's technology. I refer to Senator Fawcett's speech a minute ago. Now the CSIRO is a blatantly political organisation. It's more interested in pushing the agenda of the government than in providing impartial, evidence-based research. Ideology is infecting most of CSIRO's work like a virus. The GenCost report is shocking evidence of just how biased this once-respected institution has become. The methodology used in GenCost is so flawed that there are multiple hours of podcast series explaining all of its deficiencies, and I give a compliment Aidan Morrison for some of his work.

Let's start with the cost of wind and solar. Many people, including some politicians, think GenCost says what it costs for wind and solar to deliver a kilowatt of power today. It doesn't! It fundamentally doesn't tell us the cost. GenCost imagines some fairytale dreamtime half-a-dozen years in the future and projects what they think wind and solar will cost, with no accurate, solid assumptions underpinning that. CSIRO even admits that this prediction they come up with is not the actual cost, but this is what policy relies on. CSIRO completely excludes the cost of every single power project up until 2030. They're free! They're free, according to this mob.

Just look at the tens of thousands of kilometres of transmission projects assumed to be free: EnergyConnect, $2.3 billion; Marinus Link, $3 billion. All are assumed to be free. Free, free, free! Santa Claus is giving them to us! There's Central-West Orana, $3.2 billion, and HumeLink, $5 billion. It doesn't sound like much when you rattle off a billion, does it! There are dozens more major projects.

Let's look at the pumped hydro that's assumed to be free. There's Snowy 2.0, $12 billion plus and counting. That's not included. There's the Battery of the Nation in Tasmania, our biggest island. That's $3 billion. It's not included. There's the Borumba pump hydro, $14 billion. It's not included. There's the Pioneer-Burdekin pumped hydro, $12 billion. It's not included. The list goes on and on and on. Tens of billions of dollars is excluded from the cost of wind and solar, but we'll all pay for it—some people with their jobs when they're shipped off overseas, some people for whom the cost of living will drive these out of reach.

Almost all of these projects, especially the pump hydro, are only being planned because of wind and solar, yet CSIRO excludes them from the cost of wind and solar completely. It's like saying a Ferrari is the cheapest car you can buy, as long as you take out the cost of the sunroof, the air conditioning, the wheels, the gearbox and the engine.

Then there are their calculations on the cost of coal. They added an extra five per cent cost to the finance figures with no basis whatsoever. CSIRO just says, 'Well, no-one likes coal anymore,' and, whack, a completely unfounded hurdle is added on top. Then there's the capacity factor. That's the percentage of time the station is running. It has a huge impact on the calculated cost of power, if you assume a billion-dollar power station is running for only half the time it actually is on and can be on. They're destroying the viability of coal with lies.

CSIRO also says:

In 2030, we project forward including all existing state renewable energy targets resulting in a 64% renewable share and 56% variable renewable share …

They just assume that we're going to press ahead with variable renewable energy, regardless of what happens and without any costings. They just assume it's going to go ahead. It doesn't sound like impartial modelling to me, because it's not impartial modelling.

But the people of Australia will pay for this. They will pay for it with their jobs. They will pay for it with their livelihoods. They will pay for it with their family budgets. What sensitivities have been applied for political risk? Policy will almost certainly change and you may have a government elected that ditches false targets. What percentage of chance do they give that? The United Kingdom is abandoning net zero. The Prime Minister has said so. Japan is switching back to coal. It is already using a lot of coal. Germany is scrapping wind turbines to extend coalmines. It is tearing down wind turbines that were installed so that they can mine the coal underneath them. China is producing 4½ billion tonnes of coal. We produce 560 tonnes, and we export most of that overseas, and China is buying coal from us. Indonesia is now the world's largest exporter of coal. India has well over a billion tonnes of coal.

This report, the GenCost report from CSIRO, isn't worth the paper it's written on, yet it's being used to justify one of the largest destructions of our economy in Australia's history. Even if you naively believe we need to run the grid on solar and wind, this GenCost report deserves scrutiny and the Australian people deserve transparency. CSIRO has repeatedly shown it is dishonest on climate and energy. We need an inquiry. In refusing or opposing, the government shows it fears its assumptions will be shown to be flawed. If I'm wrong, CSIRO would be vindicated. So CSIRO, if it had any courage, would stand up and say, 'Bring on the inquiry.' Thank you, Senator Colbeck. We support this motion.


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