Senate debates

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

Questions without Notice


2:30 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

Thank you, Senator Green, for the question. Senator Green, you are right; the Labor government of which you and all the senators on this side are a part has delivered tax cuts for every Australian taxpayer—13.6 million Australians. What Treasury analysis shows is that our tax cuts will see families with children pocket an average of more than $3,200 over the next 12 months, and it's for all taxpayers, not just some.

Of course, from 1 July about 2.8 million people in your state of Queensland, Senator Green, got a tax cut. Out of those, nine out of 10, or 2.4 million Queenslanders, are better off under Labor than they would have been under Mr Dutton's plan. This is what Labor's tax cuts mean: a part-time cleaner earning $40,000 a year will be more than $650 better off; a builder earning $80,000 per year and helping deliver much-needed housing supply—if the Greens get out of the way—will be getting an extra $1,679 in their bank account over the next 12 months; and a nurse earning $110,000 will see nearly $2½ thousand more in their pocket over the next year to help ease cost-of-living pressures. This is genuine tax reform that lifts thresholds, cuts rates and returns bracket creep at the same time.

Of course, we are providing tax cuts and other cost-of-living support while also working to create jobs. Since the election, 880,000 jobs have been created, which is the most of any first-term government. Australians now have a government that supports wage growth, unlike those opposite's deliberate design feature of low wages— (Time expired)


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