Senate debates

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

Questions without Notice


2:32 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

Thank you, Senator Green, for the supplementary. I think we really saw one of the differences between the parties in the tax cuts that they came forward with. We really saw that. The majority of Australians and all Australians on lower incomes wouldn't have got a tax cut under those opposite. This is the contrast between the Labor government seeking to work for all Australians and the Liberals and the Nationals, who are all negativity and no plan. We saw this on display when we announced the tax cuts for every taxpayer. Guess who opposed it? The Liberals and the Nationals. Guess who said they'd roll those tax cuts back? Do you remember? We had a bit of rollback over there. Then of course they called for an election. They were going to have an election on the tax cuts. Then what did they do? They just quietly voted for them, although they want to change them and take them to the next election, and they're not telling people what they really want. But, because this economic policy is an expression of values, we do know what they really think. (Time expired)


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