Senate debates

Wednesday, 3 July 2024


Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (More Support in the Safety Net) Bill 2024; In Committee

7:25 pm

Photo of Carol BrownCarol Brown (Tasmania, Australian Labor Party, Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport) Share this | Hansard source

The change targets additional assistance to those who, in the cohort with a partial capacity to work, have the most significantly reduced capacity to work. Recipients with a partial capacity to work of 15 or more hours a week are more likely to engage in the workforce and supplement income support with earnings. For instance, around nine per cent of JobSeeker payment recipients with a partial capacity to work of less than 15 hours report earnings. JobSeeker payment recipients with a partial capacity to work of 15 to 29 hours per week are more likely to experience the benefit of work, with around 62,000 recipients reporting earnings—around 18 per cent of the cohort, which is broadly consistent with the overall JobSeeker payment population.


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