Senate debates
Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Questions without Notice
2:05 pm
Katy Gallagher (ACT, Australian Labor Party, Minister for the Public Service) Share this | Hansard source
It is interesting. I haven't heard examples from those opposite, while they criticise spending, of what spending in the 2024-25 year they don't support. Is it the tax cuts? What are the Nationals telling the Liberal Party that your position is? We know you've won on nuclear. We know you've won on divestiture powers. Here is the Australian Liberal Party actually moving policy to divest businesses. This is the world we're living in: where the Nats tell the Liberals what their policy is, and then you all come in and implement it. Is it the tax cuts that you don't support? Is it the energy bill relief that you don't support? You can't have it both ways, President. You cannot come in here, complain about spending but then not explain which of those measures you don't support.
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