Senate debates

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

Questions without Notice

Australian Naval Nuclear Power Safety Bill 2023

2:21 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

First, in relation to the bill, I don't agree with the language that Senator Shoebridge has utilised for that bill. In relation to the submarines, I would make a few points. The first is that we have been clear that the submarines that we seek to acquire through AUKUS, including those to be constructed here in years to come, are nuclear powered, not nuclear armed. We have been very clear with the Australian people and also with our like-minded partners and our partners in the Pacific family. We have also said that we understand and recognise our obligations under international law, including the Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Treaty of Rarotonga. Whilst we're not party to it, we'll continue to act consistent with the basic principles of the Bangkok treaty, which is related to South-East Asia. My point is: there is a distinction between a nuclear powered submarine and a nuclear armed submarine. In relation to domestic power—


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