Senate debates

Tuesday, 13 August 2024


Consideration of Legislation

1:12 pm

Photo of David PocockDavid Pocock (ACT, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

I wanted to add my voice to the calls for the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Administration) Bill to be dealt with in this sitting of parliament. There is definitely a way forward to consider legislation in a short committee hearing to look at the detail of it, to work in good faith on amendments, as is already happening, and to ensure that the parliament acts in line with what people in our communities want to see, and that is for these very serious allegations to be dealt with. I do note that there haven't been allegations of criminality here in the ACT, but I think it still warrants a broad look at the CFMEU. I agree with Senator O'Sullivan about donations, and the quickest way to deal with that is to put them into administration—to ensure there are no further donations. The administrators made it very clear that there will be no political donations while in administration.

When the government defunded the ABCC and rolled its abolition into a broad omnibus bill, I warned that we'd need a stronger regulator. Worksites across the country are suffering. Insolvencies in the construction sector are at a record high, and we need a path forward. We need a longer-term solution that isn't a political football, and we've seen industry groups calling for that—to start with cleaning up the union, putting a fair process in place and, most of all, listening to what people in the sector calling for.

The MBA have been crystal clear on this. They don't want another inquiry; they want action. The Civil Contractors Federation were on the radio this morning, calling for action now. ACCI has asked for amendments but supports administration. The Ai Group have also said the appointment of an administrator was an important first step. There is broad agreement on the next steps, and I'd urge the parliament to work together to ensure that this happens.


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