Senate debates

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Questions without Notice


2:15 pm

Photo of Katy GallagherKaty Gallagher (ACT, Australian Labor Party, Minister for the Public Service) Share this | Hansard source

The shadow finance minister interjects, so I'll just give the real spending growth. The average under the Liberal government was 4.1 per cent. Under our government, over six years to 2027-28, it's 1.4 per cent. What that shows is the numbers don't support the argument that you are putting. The numbers do not support the argument. You talk out of both sides of your mouth all the time. You want to spend more and spend less. You want to argue that wages spirals will cause inflation and then you complain that wages aren't growing fast enough. People see the inconsistency in your argument.

We have shown restraint. We have repaired the budget. At the same time, we've found room to support people with cost-of-living help, whether it be tax cuts, whether it be energy bill rebates, whether it be support for early education and care—both for parents and for the workers—whether it be reforming aged care. So, yes, we are tackling those important investment areas at the same time. (Time expired)


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