Senate debates

Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Questions without Notice

Closing the Gap

2:58 pm

Photo of Malarndirri McCarthyMalarndirri McCarthy (NT, Australian Labor Party, Assistant Minister for Indigenous Australians) Share this | Hansard source

I thank Senator Ghosh for the question. I look forward to getting over to Western Australia in the near future. Certainly as the new Minister for Indigenous Australians, I'm deeply committed to work in partnership with First Nations communities and organisations and state and territory governments to improve outcomes for First Nations people.

At the 2022 election we promised to get rid of the failed Community Development Program, or CDP. It failed individuals and communities and left people stuck in cycles of poverty.

I had my first meeting as minister with our First Nations Reference Group for the Remote Jobs and Economic Development Program, continuing the important work of my predecessor, Linda Burney. The group has incredible knowledge and experience in remote employment and economic development. And it's providing important advice to the government on the implementation program which will help close the gap in employment outcomes and boost economic opportunities in remote areas.

It will be tough. We are doing this, though, in partnership with First Nations people. We know that, by working together, we will get better outcomes. The remote jobs program will create 3,000 jobs in remote communities. It is the first stage in meeting our commitment to replace the CDP with real jobs, proper wages and decent conditions, including superannuation, annual leave and sick leave. The new remote jobs program will mean Indigenous Australians can have access to the benefits and dignity of work no matter where they live. This will be life-changing for many people in remote communities. We believe that those in remote communities deserve, like all Australians, to access the benefits and dignity of work.


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