Senate debates

Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Statements by Senators

Middle East

1:33 pm

Photo of Mehreen FaruqiMehreen Faruqi (NSW, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

It's been 10 months of Israel's genocide in Gaza. It's been 10 months of unimaginable savagery—of slaughtered children, of families burning in tents, of body parts blown to bits and shoved into plastic bags—live streamed on our phones. Enough of your empty words on Gaza, Labor.

This genocide is the greatest shame of our time and Israel has been allowed to slaughter Palestinians day after day after day after day. And allowed by whom? United States? The so-called chief ally of Australia—or maybe more aptly the 'puppet master'—that continues to send 2,000-pound bombs to Israel to drop on tents while paying lip-service to a ceasefire and allowed by this Labor government, which refuses to sanction Israel. Instead, Labor lets Israel run riot, violating international laws, bombing nations across the Middle East. Labor loves to talk about commitment to rules-based international order and humanitarian law. Well where is this commitment when it comes Israel? Where is the condemnation when they bomb Beirut or strike Iran? Why don't the rules apply to Israel?

I really have had it up to here with the rubbish and false accusations about the Greens so Labor can cover up their inaction on Israel's genocide in Gaza while smearing those who are speaking up for justice for Palestine. Hiding behind so-called social cohesion to attack and silence anti-genocide protesters is just plain disgraceful. The slaughter could end today if the US and Australia really wanted it to end. They have the power to cut off Israel's support and yet they refuse. So we will never forget and we will never forgive.


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