Senate debates

Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Questions without Notice

Future Made in Australia

2:09 pm

Photo of Don FarrellDon Farrell (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Trade and Tourism) Share this | Hansard source

I thank Senator Smith for that very incisive question. The Minister for Industry and Science announced this week our new national science and research priorities, which place science at the forefront of our industrial transformation, connecting science, research and manufacturing to secure our future in our country that makes things here.

One of the key ways that the government fosters this connection is through the Cooperative Research Centres Program. One example is Australian Vintage Ltd, which received a $3 million grant in January 2024 to support research and innovation in no- and low-alcohol wines, which have the potential to be a huge growth area for the Australian wine industry, particularly in that great state of South Australia.


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