Senate debates

Monday, 19 August 2024

Questions without Notice

Missing and Murdered First Nations Women and Children

2:49 pm

Photo of Malarndirri McCarthyMalarndirri McCarthy (NT, Australian Labor Party, Assistant Minister for Indigenous Australians) Share this | Hansard source

I thank Senator Stewart for her question. I welcome the report tabled last week from the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee. The inquiry has shone a light on a harrowing set of stories experienced by First Nations women and children. I know the Senate inquiry held a large number of hearings across the nation, and I take the time to acknowledge the Chair, Senator Scarr, and the Deputy Chair, Senator Green, and, in particular, the passion and determination of Senator Cox.

I want to thank the many families and organisations who gave evidence at the hearings and to acknowledge the unspeakable pain behind every story shared as part of the inquiry—to acknowledge the real and significant grief experienced by families and entire communities. To those who have come forward to share their experiences with the committee: I want to assure you that we see you and we hear you; we hear your stories and we certainly see your pain. It takes bravery to share these stories and it takes great strength. We know that families have been seeking answers for a very long time, some for many decades—over 50 years. We thank you for sharing your experiences with the committee. I also thank the committee members for your dedication to listening to these stories and for delivering a set of recommendations for the government to consider.

There are many recommendations, spanning a number of critical areas, that need to be addressed. Our government is committed to carefully working through the recommendations in this inquiry.


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