Senate debates

Monday, 19 August 2024

Questions without Notice


2:54 pm

Photo of Jenny McAllisterJenny McAllister (NSW, Australian Labor Party, Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy) Share this | Hansard source

I understand that Regis Resources has assessed around four sites and 30 potential options for the tailings dam. I hope that the company can find an alternative site for its tailings and waste dam.

Genuine partnership with First Nations people is essential for the Australian mining sector to reach its full potential, and the Australian government is committed to that goal. The government has been unequivocal in its support for mining, which employs 300,000 Australians, announcing very significant measures for resources in the budget.

I will make the observation that there are striking similarities between this decision and a decision made by the former minister for the environment, Ms Susan Ley, who is now the deputy Liberal leader. Back in 2021, she made a very similar decision just down the road from this same site. She made that decision after listening to the views of the same local traditional owner group, the Wiradjuri Traditional Owners Central West Aboriginal Corporation and she said at the time she was protecting it because of its cultural significance. (Time expired)


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