Senate debates

Monday, 19 August 2024


Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force; Order for the Production of Documents

3:07 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

As I previously advised the Senate in my explanation on 4 July 2024, the advice I have is that report sought by this order remains under consideration by the government. It is the usual practice in receiving independent reviews for government to take the necessary time to work through them and develop a response to the recommendations. As part of that, this government is consulting widely across stakeholders, including Defence, other agencies and the family of ADF personnel who have lost their lives while serving. The government believes it is important that this consultation be finalised to enable completion of the government's response to the report. I'm advised that further time is needed to undertake that work. The government intends to respond to the order once that process is complete.

The government understands, and I, personally, am very aware of, Senator Lambie's deep personal commitment to serving members of the ADF, to veterans and to transparency. I, again, reaffirm to Senator Lambie that the government is ready and willing to brief her on this matter at a time suitable to her. The Deputy Prime Minister and his office would be glad to do so whilst the government continues to conduct consultations ahead of finalising the government response. In particular, I emphasise the Deputy Prime Minister is happy to work with Senator Lambie on mutually agreeable arrangements for this briefing, noting concerns she has previously raised in the chamber that the durations of the previously scheduled briefing was insufficient. I do invite Senator Lambie to take up the offer of a briefing. I hope she can see that the government is seeking to provide her with as much information as possible prior to the formal response to the review being completed.


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