Senate debates

Monday, 19 August 2024


Cost of Living

3:50 pm

Photo of Andrew McLachlanAndrew McLachlan (SA, Deputy-President) Share this | Hansard source

I remind senators that, after 4.30 pm last Thursday, a division was called on the motion moved by Senator Kovacic relating to general business notice of motion No. 570 concerning the cost of living:

That the Senate notes that the Albanese Labor Government has lost its way and Australians are paying the price because of the Prime Minister's inability to control rampant inflation, as well as his broken promises to cut electricity bills, to provide cheaper mortgages and that families will be better off.

I understand it suits the convenience of the Senate for a deferred vote to be held now. Is there any objection? No senator has indicated an objection. The question before the Senate is the motion moved by Senator Kovacic relating to general business notice of motion No. 570 concerning the cost of living be agreed to.


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