Senate debates

Monday, 19 August 2024

Matters of Public Importance


4:22 pm

Photo of Penny Allman-PaynePenny Allman-Payne (Queensland, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

For so many Queenslanders, every day it feels like life gets harder while Labor and the LNP put corporate profits ahead of everyday people. Rents are continually going up, yet Labor refuses to freeze and cap rents to allow wages to catch up. Bulk-billing doctors are hard to find. People are avoiding seeing the dentist because of how expensive it is. Your grocery bills keep going up. Queenslanders deserve better. But nothing changes if nothing changes.

In October, Queenslanders have the chance to get real change by electing someone who will fight for them. A vote for the Greens in Queensland is a vote to address the cost of living by freezing rents for two years, capping rent increases and giving renters a guaranteed right to a lease renewal. A vote for the Greens in Queensland is a vote to build 100,000 well-designed public homes to rent or buy for below market rate. A vote for the Greens in Queensland is a vote to tackle the cost of living for families by making public schools fully funded and truly free. A vote for the Greens in Queensland is a vote to take back into public ownership the essential services that Labor and the LNP have privatised. The Greens have a plan to tackle the cost-of-living crisis for Queenslanders. If Queenslanders want change, they're going to have to vote for it.


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