Senate debates

Monday, 19 August 2024

Matters of Urgency

Gas Industry: Middle Arm

4:49 pm

Photo of Mehreen FaruqiMehreen Faruqi (NSW, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

In 2021, the International Energy Agency said no new fossil fuel projects and, if the world is to reach net zero by 2050, no new coal and gas. In 2023 they repeated this call, and what are Labor doing? They're doing the exact opposite. They're approving new coal and gas; fracking for gas in the Beetaloo basin, which will increase Australia's emissions by 11 per cent; and throwing $1.5 billion of public money, taxpayer money, to export this gas through the Middle Arm project. This Labor government was supposed to be different from the disastrous climate-denying coalition government. They spoke big about net zero, about a 2030 emission reduction target and about transitioning to clean renewables. But, as usual, it was all hot air. Labor is all talk and no action.

But we can see through the noise. We can see through this greenwashing. We can see that you are not listening to climate scientists. We can see that you are not listening to First Nations people. We know that you didn't even consult First Nations elders who have warned about the risks of this climate bomb. The only people this Labor government listens to are big coal and gas corporations and their shady lobbyists. The Middle Arm project is the perfect example of how dirty politics operates under Labor. The reality is that both Labor and the coalition cannot be trusted when it comes to climate or to listening to First Nations people.

Luckily, for the people in the Northern Territory, they will have the chance this weekend to send a strong message to the major parties, to the old parties, that they deserve far better than parties committed to wrecking the planet. The Northern Territory Greens are running a phenomenal campaign, with more candidates than ever and a membership base that has quadrupled in the last 18 months. Amazing women like Asta Hill, Suki Dorras-Walker and Kat McNamara are running to ban fracking in the NT; stop Middle Arm; urgently meet the needs of young people, rather than criminalising them; implement a rent freeze; and get dirty money out of politics. The Northern Territory Greens have a chance to make history on the weekend. I wish them the best of luck for this weekend, because the planet and its people depend on it.


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