Senate debates

Monday, 19 August 2024


Economics References Committee; Reference

5:59 pm

Photo of Malcolm RobertsMalcolm Roberts (Queensland, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party) Share this | Hansard source

The Labor Party is wedded to donations from the CFMEU, the crooked CFMEU. Minister Watt, in section 323B(2) of his legislation, to which we have an amendment, wants an absence of a disallowable regulation. He wants no disallowance, so that he can control the whole show. Then we see the Labor Party also being tainted by John Setka. In a report in the Australian Financial Review, on 12 April this year, David Marin-Guzman, a journalist with the Australian Financial Review, said that 'the core issue here is that John Setka stood up and said he will take over the Labor Party and move members of the CFMEU into branches and then preselect various candidates, and also the Premier'. That's what we see going on here—the Labor Party in a massive cover-up and massive wrestle with the CFMEU. By the way—I think Senator Hanson mentioned it—the size of the funds in question is just short, $1 billion short, of $100 billion in funds. That is twice the Australian defence budget. That's more money than Belgium makes in a year. And we want to take it away from parliamentary scrutiny? Like hell. That's why we need this reference to the committee.

Then we see more tainting, with the CFMEU being connected with bikie gangs, criminal bikie gangs. Then we see Senator Hanson's terms of reference. I must commend Senator Hanson for introducing this motion. The first term of reference that I want to highlight—I'll read it for the reference committee:

… the broader impact of public allegations of misconduct within the CFMEU on the governance and trust management practices of industry superannuation funds …

That's basic. These people have shown that they don't care about their members—their members' lives, their members' health, their members' workers compensation, their workers' livelihoods, their workers' wages or their workers' retirement. They don't care. They bypassed the retirement provisions. The next one I want to read out is term of reference (a):

… the implications of CFMEU members holding board positions on these superannuation funds, and the potential conflicts of interest that may arise …

The potential conflicts of interest are enormous. We can't rely on the Labor Party to clean it up, nor on departments and agencies from the Labor government. We see them tightly knit together.

The second of Senator Hanson's six terms of reference is:

the adequacy of the independent expert review mandated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) in relation to trustees' compliance with their duty to act in the best financial interests of beneficiaries of the funds;

This is absolutely essential. The CFMEU union bosses who are directors of agencies—statutory bodies charged with the responsibility to protect members—are stealing from the members or enabling their agencies to steal from members. This lot are above the law. Senator Hanson read out the note from the person from Cross River Rail who is not a member of the CFMEU. They are 'intimidated', 'frightened' and 'scared to work'—in our country, they are scared to work. We have now a proven record of the CFMEU stealing from members and workers. Wouldn't it be going on in the $100 billion of super funds they manage? I support the referral of this matter to committee, to protect members so that they can retire with security and dignity.


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