Senate debates

Monday, 19 August 2024


Construction, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union, Australian Greens

11:38 am

Photo of David ShoebridgeDavid Shoebridge (NSW, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

In unison. The fact that Labor and the coalition are doing this today in unison, singing off the one song sheet—they're not making it about the substantive issues, but singing off the one song sheet like they do time after time after time in this chamber.

They've been voting together on this, scheming together on this, working up the motions together on this. Labor and the coalition have been scheming together as they've been quietly negotiating over the weekend and quietly negotiating last week to try to work out what they can do together as the Tweedledum and Tweedledee of Australian politics.

Honourable senators interjecting—

And we're seeing it again today. We're seeing it right now. There's so little between you that you have to come up with these confected fights to suggest there's something.

We are trying to deal with the principles of this, and I know that troubles you so much. What I find extraordinary about this motion—I was setting out the issues of principle that have been moving our party room and moving our movement.


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