Senate debates

Monday, 19 August 2024


Construction, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union, Australian Greens

11:52 am

Photo of Murray WattMurray Watt (Queensland, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry) Share this | Hansard source

I might just make the procedural point that I understand it's not possible for Senator Shoebridge to amend the original motion. Very briefly, in response to Senator Shoebridge, we have heard an extraordinary proposition from him. Not only do the Greens want to be able to take donations from the CFMEU in the future—that, clearly has to be why they're voting against motion—they are now demanding that Labor returns $6 million in donations to John Setka. You actually want not just donations in the future but for him to have even more money to play with to back your campaigns and make donations to you. That is an extraordinary suggestion from the Greens.

Senator Shoebridge has advanced several of what he calls matters of principle that he is seeking the government to agree to. The news for Senator Shoebridge is that we have agreed to all of those matters of principle. As late as Thursday or Friday last week, we pointed out to the Greens how we could accommodate the so-called matters of principle for the Greens. The truth of the matter is that there's only one matter of principle involved here for the Greens party, and that is the principle that they should be allowed to take donations from the CFMEU for time immemorial. Have a look at the motion moved by Senator Birmingham that the government will be supporting. It notes things and agrees to things, and it's also denoting stuff. The only part of the motion that actually calls on anyone to do anything is at paragraph (d):

… calls on the Leader of The Australian Greens to clarify the full extent of the party's relationship with the CFMEU and confirm that the party will not accept any donations from the CFMEU while it is under administration.

By voting against this motion, as it seems the Greens plan to do, they are confirming that they are not prepared to give up donations from the CFMEU. That tells us a whole lot about the Greens.

We know that, for the Greens, it's all about politics, games and grandstanding. Today, we've learned it's all about getting money from John Setka and his associates at the CFMEU. That's why the government will be voting in support of this motion, and I move:

That the motion be put.


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