Senate debates

Monday, 19 August 2024


Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Administration) Bill 2024; Second Reading

12:54 pm

Photo of David FawcettDavid Fawcett (SA, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

( ):  Thank you, Acting Deputy President Fawcett. You'd be delighted to know and delighted, I am sure, to support the idea we retained, restored and maintained the integrity in this particular sector, because, like every other senator in this place, we've seen in this place time and time again the first-hand examples of where the behaviours of the CFMEU have adversely affected the electorates we represent, the states we represent. What I would say to anyone in this place is: if you are going to pass this bill—and I assume we will despite the Greens doing everything they can to fight and kick and not pass it—it is a mess of Labor's own making that they are trying to fix. What I would say to Labor—through you, Acting Deputy Chair—is: if you really are going to fix this mess, you actually have to be genuine about the measures you are going to take.

Restoring the ABCC, which you abolished, would be a really good start, because the abolition of the ABCC basically gave control of the construction sector back to your mates in the CFMEU. Most Australians, if they knew of the kinds of behaviours we've witnessed over the years with the CFMEU, would be absolutely horrified to think that anybody would defend those actions. I will not repeat some of the things that the CFMEU have been not just accused of but found guilty of. They are so incredibly terrible that I am not even going to utter what they are. It is not only criminal activity, threats, corruption, bribery but the intimidation, the violence and bullying, the standover tactics, the misappropriation of funds and many other accusations of quite extraordinary behaviour are the kinds of things, I think, the average Australian probably would never believe occur in what is pretending to be a legitimate organisation within the Australian economy.

I am very hopeful that the government will realise the Australian public are not going to put up with a government that's going to run a protection racket for a union that has been single-handedly destroying our economy for so many years I can hardly remember. If you really are genuine showing you actually have the strength of your own convictions then make sure this bill is amended in such a way as you are able to put hand on heart and say, 'The strength of the provisions in this bill will actually make a difference to the behaviour of the CFMEU.' As it currently stands, I doubt that will be the case.

I think it would be wonderful if the Greens would stand up in this place and say that they will not accept one cent from the CFMEU during the period of administration, not accept any assistance in terms of resources to support any of their campaigns during the time the CFMEU is in administration. If they do that they will show they are genuine; if not, they aren't. (Time expired)


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