Senate debates

Monday, 19 August 2024

Statements by Senators

Early Childhood Education, Aged Care

1:32 pm

Photo of Helen PolleyHelen Polley (Tasmania, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I'm a proud member of the Albanese Labor government because we care about Australian workers, and we keep delivering for them. I spoke to early childhood educators last week here in Canberra about the 15 per cent increase that the Albanese Labor government was able to pass on to early childhood educators. We actually understand and respect the work that they do each and every day for the children of Australia. I've visited lots of different centres throughout my home state of Tasmania, and I know how hard those workers work. My youngest daughter was an early childhood educator before she moved into education more generally. We know and we recognise their skills and the work that they do for our young children.

We have delivered this pay rise, unlike those opposite. For the 10 years they were in government, they did nothing for early childhood educators. They did nothing in terms of a pay rise for aged care workers. They did nothing for those carers who work in the disability sector. Since we've been in government, we've actually delivered real wage rises to those workers and to Australian workers in general.

We know that it takes a village to raise our children, but it is so important that their education starts from the time they go into care. It is really a matter of getting educated from the cradle to the grave. I am so pleased to be part of a government that has delivered $103 a week to aged care workers. By December 2025, they will earn $155 more each week. That will help them deal with the cost of living, and it's another giant step towards true recognition of their professionalism in this sector.


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