Senate debates

Monday, 19 August 2024

Statements by Senators

Missing and Murdered First Nations Women and Children

1:46 pm

Photo of Dorinda CoxDorinda Cox (WA, Australian Greens) Share this | Hansard source

I rise to make a short statement about the inquiry into missing and murdered First Nations women and children, which delivered its final report last week. Firstly, as I did in my speech last week, I want to recognise everyone who shared their painful truths and insights at the inquiry's hearings. I am truly sorry that this report has failed you and that, as many of you have shared this with me since its delivery, you have felt retraumatised, unheard, let down and that it doesn't go far enough to address this national emergency. I have shared that I am also so disappointed by the inquiry's recommendations. They lack measurable outcomes, which is why we put forward our own Greens recommendations. Sadly, they were not agreed to by the committee. It should have been above politics to do the right thing. One thing hasn't changed since the inquiry commenced 2½ years ago. As late as last night on my flight here from Perth, I was still getting messages about black women in dangerous, life-threatening situations with no response from police.

Since I last spoke on this, we have also learned that the committee didn't consult with the relevant government ministers and ask for their insights or their input into the suggested recommendations. The Minister for Indigenous Australians wasn't consulted. The minister for children and young people also wasn't consulted, which is quite shameful. First Nations women and children are at the heart of our communities and are the link to the next generation. They should never be invisible or forgotten. Bringing light to the enormity of this issue should have been the reckoning for this nation. For me, achieving change will require some political goodwill to invest and take the actions that are urgently needed by our people. We can't erase the past, but we can build a better future together that protects the strong identity and culture of First Nations people in this country. It is like a sleeping being. It is now awake, and it's time for truth.


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