Senate debates

Monday, 19 August 2024

Statements by Senators

International Politics

1:48 pm

Photo of Ralph BabetRalph Babet (Victoria, United Australia Party) Share this | Hansard source

All around the Western world we see liberty's light being snuffed out, little by little, by Marxism. It suffocates what freedoms we have left. The thing is that this march of insanity could be stopped dead in its tracks if only people were brave enough to speak out against it. The West will be destroyed not by the vocal minority but by the silence of those who know better but do not speak out. If we want to save the West, then good people must be willing to be vocal against the insanity that we see all around us. If I had just a dollar for every single person who, privately and in hushed tones, has told me that they agree with me on political and social issues, well, heck, I'd be very wealthy indeed. But those same people will barely say a word publicly in defence of what is right. They keep silent, privately hating what is being done to their country but too weak to say a word against it for fear of reprisal by those who control the narrative. And so silence begets silence until silence is deafening. Meanwhile, they wonder how the world has changed so much—and for the worst.

If we want to save the West, ordinary people must be willing to speak out—not just in private or anonymously on social media, but proudly and loudly at your workplace, to your friends, in your sports club, to your family and to your neighbours. Cowardice is not an option. Speak the truth while you still can. And if a price must be paid, then pay that price or you'll continue to watch as your nation is destroyed right in front of your eyes. You need to stand up and do something about it.


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