Senate debates

Monday, 19 August 2024

Statements by Senators

Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee

1:56 pm

Photo of Paul ScarrPaul Scarr (Queensland, Liberal Party, Shadow Assistant Minister for Multicultural Engagement) Share this | Hansard source

Last week, I tabled the report of the Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee into missing and murdered First Nations women and children. The issues dealt with within that inquiry were very difficult and confronting. I rise to give my profound thanks to the following committee and broadcasting staff who assisted the committee in the course of its work. The committee office staff included Sophie Dunstone, Tasman Larnach, Monika Sheppard, Suzanne Blogg, Ash Clements, Mervyn Piesse, Alice Read, Joshua Start, Leah Schamschurin, Grace McElholum, Aaron Murphy and Erika Rockstrom.

I would also like to place on the record my thanks to the broadcasting staff who assisted the inquiry, and it should be noted that we had 16 hearings, including six in camera or private hearings with impacted families. The broadcasting staff who I would like to specifically thank and acknowledge at this point in time are Sophie Travis, Clinton Madden, Pat Gallagher, Keith Andrew, Richard Norman and Jesse Maxwell.

I note that the deputy chair is here in the chamber at the moment, and I'm sure that she would agree with me in saying that the staff displayed great empathy, intelligence and should be congratulated for their professionalism during the course of this inquiry. Their efforts are greatly appreciated.


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