Senate debates

Monday, 19 August 2024

Questions without Notice

Middle East: Migration

2:24 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

What I can say to you is that the government's view is that what politicians should do and what the Labor Party seeks to do is to bring people together. What we seek to do is to work across the diversity of our community, which we see in the diversity of our caucus, and we seek to bring people together. We don't seek to divide. We don't seek to inflame. We seek to govern in the interests of all Australians and we seek to bring people together. We do that for two reasons. One is that that is where our philosophy is, because we believe in collectives. We believe that is the way you find change. That's the way you achieve change.

The second reason we do it is this goes to the heart of what sort of Australia we want. We want an Australia where the diversity of Australia is seen as a strength. We want an Australia that is unified. We want an Australia that looks to the future positively and optimistically. We do not want a divided Australia, and we will always fight those who seek to divide.


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