Senate debates

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Questions without Notice

Mining Industry: McPhillamys Gold Project

2:18 pm

Photo of Jenny McAllisterJenny McAllister (NSW, Australian Labor Party, Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy) Share this | Hansard source

(—) (): I reject, actually, the premise of your question. As I indicated in my answer to your primary question, Minister Plibersek of course conducts all diligence necessary to make decisions when matters are before her, and, in doing so, she of course relies on the advice of her department, which is exactly the practice that would have been in place when ministers took similar decisions in your government—the government that the coalition was part of. The point that I have made in these questions earlier in the week is that this decision is very similar to a section 10 decision that was made by former minister Ley when she was the environment minister. Former minister Ley made a decision in relation to the same act, in relation to the same legislation, that has been in place since the 1980s in relation to cultural heritage in the central west. (Time expired)


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