Senate debates

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Questions without Notice

Women's Safety

2:24 pm

Photo of Jenny McAllisterJenny McAllister (NSW, Australian Labor Party, Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy) Share this | Hansard source

We know that too many women are killed by their current or former intimate partner. The AIC's latest data update indicates that there were 43 female victims of intimate-partner homicide in 2023-24. It's a pretty stark reminder of the human cost of this violence and it is why the government is deeply committed to addressing this national crisis. In the two years since coming to government, we have taken the crisis of men's violence against women seriously, through a range of measures including the introduction of paid family and domestic violence leave.

You ask about funding. Funding in the 2024-25 budget brings government investment to over $3.4 billion to support women's safety and implement the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children. That plan was developed in partnership with the sector and with victims-survivors and was agreed with all states and territories. That funding brings together the investments that we have made across our budgets in support of the national plan. We've been focused on supporting economic security so women don't have to choose between poverty and violence. We've been investing in housing so women know they have a place to go. We have been strengthening the legal system's response to gendered violence, implementing all of the 55 Respect@Work changes and putting a positive duty in the Sex Discrimination Act to prevent sexual harassment. We have been working with the states and territories to fund frontline services. We've extended the national partnership on frontline service funding and provided funding to states for 500 more frontline service workers, and we are sharpening the focus on prevention so we can end violence in a generation.


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