Senate debates

Wednesday, 21 August 2024


Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee; Reference

6:32 pm

Photo of Karen GroganKaren Grogan (SA, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

The government does not support this motion. This proposed inquiry is a political sideshow. It's what we've seen over the last two weeks of debate. While this government is taking decisive action to address the allegations of corruption and criminality within the construction division of the CFMEU, those opposite are just playing games and just using this for political pointscoring.

Union members and workers across this country deserve a strong, effective union movement, and workers in the construction industry, particularly as a dangerous and hard industry, need a strong and effective union in their corner. Government legislation will enable the minister to determine whether it is in the public interest to appoint an independent external administrator to the CFMEU construction division. The government has also referred allegations to the AFP and the Fair Work Ombudsman.

The government is committed to the highest standards of ethics, probity and integrity in procurement. We know the Supplier Code of Conduct commenced on 1 July 2024, setting a range of expectations regarding suppliers' ethical behaviour, governance and welfare of employees. We on this side of the chamber are making things better. We are improving this situation, and we are putting in place the measures required to ensure that those workers in the industry are well protected and that there is no ill behaviour or corruption.

As I said, the government will not be supporting this motion. Senator McKenzie's ideological battle against the union movement, and the stunts, is not something we are going to support.


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