Senate debates

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Statements by Senators

Australian Capital Territory: Community Survey

1:23 pm

Photo of David PocockDavid Pocock (ACT, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

As an Independent senator for the ACT, my job is to listen to my community and come into this place and act in their best interests. Recently, I sent a letter to ACT households asking what issues are most important to them and how I can better represent their interests. Nearly a thousand Canberrans responded to my request for input with thoughtful, insightful and informed feedback. I'd like to thank each and every person who took the time to reach out and help me to better understand what Canberrans care about and how I can best represent your interests. A number of key issues for ACT residents emerged that I want to take time to share with the chamber.

First, in what comes as no surprise, is the cost of living, which looms large in the lives of many Canberrans. Stephanie from Nicholls asked, 'Why do politicians think Canberra residents are immune to cost of living?' It's a good question, and I certainly try and talk about this a lot. There are many Canberrans doing it tough, and the talk about Canberra being an incredibly wealthy, entitled jurisdiction is not helpful. Judith from Stirling tells me that the cost of insurance has gone up 250 bucks, or nearly 50 per cent. Adrian from Evatt tells me that his parents are 'good, hardworking people who are both recently retired'. He says: 'They have done well for themselves, and my concern is that, in retirement, they might have to sell their home because of ever-rising rates and utilities costs.'

At the heart of the cost-of-living crisis is our housing affordability crisis. Claire from Wright is concerned that young people are being locked out of the market. She says that she has given up on owning her own home. Many others are feeling the pinch of increasing healthcare costs. Caroline from Kambah says: 'There is a huge shortage of emergency and residential mental health options in Canberra. Just getting an appointment with a psychiatrist can take more than 12 months.' Lisa, also from Kambah, says, 'My husband needs his cataracts done, but the large premium we pay each month impacts on his ability to pay the gap fee while he's off work while he recovers.'

Climate change also comes up time and time again. Michelle from Evatt captures the sentiment of many. She says, 'I want all elected representatives to take much more urgent action on climate change and actually treat it as an emergency.' Many Canberrans raised the importance of greater integrity in politics, and especially increased whistleblower protections. Jane from Amaroo says: 'So much good can come from the bravery of whistleblowers. They need protection for coming forward.' The need for a gambling ad ban also comes up time and time again. Osmond from Duffy tells me: 'Sports betting advertising has to be stopped. My children, aged 12 and nine, can recite the Sportsbet ads off by heart. It is just not right.'

The overwhelming sentiment from ACT residents is that the territory cannot be left behind any longer. We deserve more investment and great opportunities from the federal government. Many other issues are raised regularly: the need for investment in education, science and research; better support for small businesses; household electrification; environmental law reform; funding for domestic and family violence; and electoral law reform—the list goes on. To all of those who reached out, I say thank you, again. I will continue to bring your voices to the Senate chamber and vote in the best interests of ACT residents.


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