Senate debates

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Statements by Senators

Women's Economic Security, Gender Equality

1:29 pm

Photo of Jess WalshJess Walsh (Victoria, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

This week, we marked Equal Pay Day. So it's perfect timing to reflect on the latest gender pay gap statistics and to introduce our legislation for super to be paid on paid parental leave.

We are a government that gets things done for Australian women. We have achieved the lowest gender pay gap in history. We are funding a 15 per cent wage increase for our essential, and undervalued, early-childhood educators. We've boosted wages for aged-care workers already. We are extending paid parental leave to 26 weeks. And we've delivered a tax cut to all Australian working women, not just a few. These actions, along with our commitment to pay superannuation on paid parental leave, are making and will continue to make a huge difference when it comes to the gender pay gap.

On the one hand, there are those opposite. What about their contribution to the gender pay gap? We know that they just don't get it. We know that the Liberals love low wages—and they particularly love low wages for women, who they think should go to work in our big, feminised, essential industries just for the love of it alone.

On the other hand, we believe in backing women's economic security. Paying superannuation on paid parental leave is another valuable reform for the women of Australia. So we're not just talking about change; we are actually delivering it. Right now, today, the gender pay gap stands at a record low of 11.5 per cent. It's the smallest on record. We're proud of that achievement. There's lots to do, and we'll be here to do it.


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