Senate debates

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Statements by Senators


1:46 pm

Photo of Ralph BabetRalph Babet (Victoria, United Australia Party) Share this | Hansard source

Like many Australians, I am alarmed by media reports that 'forever chemicals' have been discovered in our water supply. These chemicals—the presence of which water authorities had previously denied—create major concerns for people's health. The fact that Australia has some of the loosest standards around regulation of forever chemicals should really concern all of us here in this place. What is even more alarming is that not only is PFOS found in drinking water but these carcinogens are found in sunscreen, takeaway coffee, paper cups, paper straws, cosmetics and even non-stick frypans. It's like a slow-motion car crash that authorities seem reluctant to address.

I understand that a problem as seemingly ubiquitous as the presence of forever chemicals may seem too large to address, but address it I think we must. If we are not here to take action on known health challenges to the Australian public, then for what purpose do we exist? One of the great ironies of this place is that so many of our decisions serve only to make things worse. We replace cheap coal with expensive renewables, telling Australians that their lives will be better but only driving them into poverty. We have replaced plastic straws with paper straws, and we're told that it's better for the environment, only then to realise that these papers straws are lined with forever chemicals. Often it seems there is no problem that our regulators can't make worse.

The matter of forever chemicals needs to be urgently addressed by this Labor government. It's an issue that demands attention, and Australians are counting on us to get it right.


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