Senate debates

Monday, 9 September 2024

Questions without Notice

Child Care

2:43 pm

Photo of Murray WattMurray Watt (Queensland, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry) Share this | Hansard source

Thank you, Senator Bilyk, for your interjection there. I know, Senator Bilyk, that you've probably got more experience working in the early childhood education and care sector than anyone in this chamber, so I thank you for that interjection.

In answer to your question, Senator Hodgins-May, as I think I've pointed out before, the Albanese government is investing probably more than any government in Australia's history in early childhood education and care. I know it may not be enough for your satisfaction, and we know that, whatever Labor does, the Greens will always demand more. That's the business model of the Greens. We understand that. But it's an undeniable fact that the Albanese government has delivered a significant pay rise for early childhood education and care workers—a pay rise that was desperately deserved by those workers. We know that one of the key impediments to getting people to work in the sector or remain in sector has been low pay. I'm not sure about you, Senator, but, certainly, at the centres that I've been to over the last few weeks, since that pay rise was awarded, I've literally met early childhood education and care workers who are telling us that not only are they now intending to stay in the sector as a result of this pay rise but they're also being contacted by their friends who had left the sector because of the low pay and are seeking to come back.

Having the workforce available is a key point in making sure that Australians can obtain the care that they seek for their children in the way that you're seeking. We're obviously doing a lot more than that, though, around reducing childcare fees and investing in the sector in a much broader range of ways than has ever been done before.


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