Senate debates

Monday, 9 September 2024

Regulations and Determinations

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection (Kings Plains) Declaration 2024; Disallowance

6:22 pm

Photo of Slade BrockmanSlade Brockman (WA, Liberal Party) Share this | Hansard source

With more to come—I'll take that interjection from the Greens. You can also see the EDO's fingerprints all over this; that is, the Environmental Defenders Office, funded by those opposite, which has been—

An honourable senator interjecting

It's an insult! They've got a track record. We had a Federal Court judge severely criticise the lawyer from the EDO in the Barossa case for coaching witnesses on Aboriginal heritage matters.

You know this, and you have had a Federal Court justice reveal that an expert witness in that case lied under oath to the Indigenous opponents of that particular project.

It's not like this is a brand-new, unique issue. We've seen this before. Those opposite may deny it, but I think the EDO's fingerprints are all over this. They have looked for an avenue to try to block this project, and we will see in the fullness of time what the truth of this—


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