Senate debates

Monday, 9 September 2024

Regulations and Determinations

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection (Kings Plains) Declaration 2024; Disallowance

7:18 pm

Photo of Murray WattMurray Watt (Queensland, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry) Share this | Hansard source

The government will be opposing this motion. When Juukan Gorge was destroyed, we said as a nation—Labor, Liberal, Nationals and the crossbench—that we shouldn't allow the destruction of Aboriginal cultural heritage in this way ever again. When we have an issue like this, where thousands of years of cultural heritage is at risk, it's our responsibility to protect it.

What we see today is proof that Peter Dutton would plunge Australia back into Scott Morrison-style chaos. Just like Scott Morrison, Peter Dutton is showing us he's prepared to ignore the law, cut corners and play favourites. Clearly, the Liberals and Nationals want a system where getting projects approved depends more on whether they like you than on whether you comply with the law. That is no way to run a government. It'll be robodebt, sports rorts and car park rorts all over again if Mr Dutton and his coalition team have their way.

It's a dangerous way to operate. It's a recipe for uncertainty that will scare off investment and kill jobs. There won't be a renewable energy project that's safe, for example. The opposition have promised to cut approval times in half, and now we know how—by ignoring the law, cutting corners and playing favourites. Peter Dutton must immediately explain whether there are other projects he'll approve or axe without knowing the details or applying the law. That is a frightening prospect for all Australians.


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