Senate debates

Monday, 9 September 2024


Tasmanian Government

8:00 pm

Photo of Helen PolleyHelen Polley (Tasmania, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

In life there are two certainties: death and taxes. But I think there may be a third: an incompetent Tasmanian state Liberal government which continues its shambolic run in office. Parliament isn't even sitting, but this state Liberal government is in shambles. It's chaotic and it's lurching from one crisis to the next.

Since we sat in this place, we've seen the Jacqui Lambie Network, who had three state members elected at the recent state election, have two of those members leave. They either left or they were pushed, but at the end of the day we have two new Independent members and only one Jacqui Lambie Network person still sitting in the House of Assembly. This is at a time when it is so crucial to have a strong government and a strong opposition and crossbench.

The Liberal government has been running the state finances into the ground. When those on the other side come into this chamber and critique this government, it's really interesting to note that the Liberals who represent our state as senators in this place are very quiet on the fact that the Liberal government's budget deficit is now $1.5 billion. There is a record net debt of $3.5 billion.

Let's remember that there's been so much debate about building a stadium for the AFL. I support a Tasmanian team, but this has been going on for so long. It has divided the state, particularly between the south, the north and the north-west coast, but what we haven't seen is anything from the state Liberal government to actually deliver any infrastructure. There have been no further updates on the cost and on when the stadium is going to be built.

Another divisive infrastructure project was the northern prison. What happened was that, over two election cycles, they divided the north in relation to where a prison was going to be. They can't even deliver that. They've finally listened to the people of northern Tasmania and have decided against it.

Then there are the two new Spirits, which are so important to tourism in my home state of Tasmania and also to moving cargo between the big island and the centre of the universe, Tasmania. So what have they done? They've spent $80 million extra to keep the company that is building those Spirits in business. But what is even more extraordinary is that there are no new berthing facilities in Devonport as yet for those Spirits, so the questions are: Where are those Spirits going to dock? When are the new port facilities going to be available? And the big question is: when, if ever, will the stadium at Macquarie Point be built?

We can also go to the Royal Hobart Hospital redevelopment, which for year after year has been on the plans of this government that has obviously been in power for too long. What are they going to do? They have reduced the redevelopment. They have doctors and staff at the Royal Hobart Hospital really concerned about that.

There is a really simple thing that they could have done. It has been years in the making. It is at least three years since I started agitating about it. This incompetent government can't even deliver a container deposit scheme for Tasmania.

And we know we made a commitment—and so did the opposition—at the last federal election to build a northern hospice in Launceston, a standalone facility. The state government is holding up that project. Nothing has happened. Finally, they've accepted the best site for that hospice, but it's just stalled because they can't move their own health department out to make way for the redevelopment. Why is Mr Rockliff continuing on this rocky road and not delivering for Tasmanians? (Time expired)


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