Senate debates

Monday, 9 September 2024

Questions without Notice

Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence

2:18 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

We all want violence against women and children to stop, and certainly I can speak for the Labor government—and I hope everyone in this chamber—in saying that we won't be satisfied until it does. I would say to you, Senator, that this was an historic agreement between the federal government and all states and territories at National Cabinet—a new $4.7 billion package for gender based violence and for frontline legal services. There were a number of other facts in your assertion which are the Greens' constant refrain around tax measures. I don't accept the figures that you put. I know that's part of your political campaign, but I don't accept the figures. I would say that we have seen the Prime Minister, ably assisted by Minister Gallagher, Minister Rishworth, the Attorney-General and many others, put together a package that deals with the funding needs and the needs that have been identified by so many across the community for this National Cabinet.

The focus is on action to support the critical work of frontline services, with a focus also on targeting perpetrators to stop violence from escalating; on breaking the cycle of violence, with a stronger focus on children and young people who have experienced violence; and on legal support associated with women's safety. This is on top of—and I would just make this point to the chamber—the already record funding that the Commonwealth has committed for women's safety. The government have been working on this since we were first elected. Friday's actions are another step to accelerate change, but they will not be our last.


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