Senate debates

Monday, 9 September 2024

Questions without Notice

Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence

2:22 pm

Photo of Penny WongPenny Wong (SA, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Foreign Affairs) Share this | Hansard source

Obviously, we have over the last couple of years done a lot, under the guidance of Minister Rowland, to tackle gambling harm. We also recognise that the status quo regarding the saturation of gambling advertising is untenable. As Minister Rowland has previously said, she is undertaking consultations with stakeholders on a proposed approach.

Meanwhile, in our work to date, we have delivered the most significant online wagering harm reduction initiatives in the past decade, including mandatory customer ID verification, banning the use of credit cards for online wagering and forcing online wagering companies to send monthly activity statements outlining wins and losses. We've introduced new evidence based taglines in wagering advertising; provided direct funding assistance for specialist financial counselling to support people affected by problem gambling; launched BetStop, the National Self-exclusion Register, for problem gamblers; and many more other— (Time expired)


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