Senate debates

Wednesday, 11 September 2024


Cbus Super Fund; Order for the Production of Documents

10:33 am

Photo of Jess WalshJess Walsh (Victoria, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I too rise to take note of the statement by Minister Gallagher, and I note that the minister explained the Treasurer's approach in her answer and that the government's approach to this particular order has been made in good faith to protect sensitive commercial information.

But what is not in good faith is the persistent and constant attacks on our universal superannuation system by those opposite. Our superannuation system in this country is absolutely the envy of the world. It's a system that is a proud Labor legacy and it's one that we will continue to build on, despite the attacks of those opposite on our superannuation system. I've been here for long enough to remember many of the attacks that have been made on our superannuation system by those opposite. I know that Senator Rennick is no longer a member of the coalition; he's left to establish his own political party. But I do remember his time in the coalition, when he told us that Australia's universal superannuation system should just be abolished. It shouldn't exist.

I remember a policy that my colleague Senator Bragg had at one point, which was that people on lower incomes should not receive superannuation—that employer contributions should not be made for people on lower incomes. Of course, these are the people who absolutely need their superannuation, and these are the people that we will stand up for to make sure that they do have a dignified retirement through our super system.

We're also seeing from those opposite persistent attacks on our superannuation system through the coalition's so-called super-for-housing policy. Now, I've been in a number of hearings with Senator Bragg on this policy—


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