Senate debates

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Questions without Notice

Maugean Skates

2:20 pm

Photo of Jenny McAllisterJenny McAllister (NSW, Australian Labor Party, Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy) Share this | Hansard source

Thanks very much for the question. Of course, the Australian government are deeply committed to ensuring that the maugean skate does not go extinct under our watch. We know that this is a species at high risk of extinction, as you have alluded to in your question, and that substantially reduced water quality in Macquarie Harbour is the primary contributing factor. The minister is aware of these issues. You will know, I think, because we have talked about it in estimates, that on 12 October the minister held a roundtable discussion in Devonport with industry, with government and with other stakeholders regarding Macquarie Harbour aquaculture, and she wrote to the Tasmanian Premier, Mr Rockliff, on 6 November 2023 and provided really clear information to him about her responsibilities under the EPBC Act with regard to salmon farming in that harbour.

Now, the minister has been asked to reconsider a decision, made back in 2012 under the EPBC Act, about marine farming in Macquarie Harbour, including whether current farming operations require further approvals under national environment law. The department is rigorously assessing a very large volume of information relevant to that decision and, I understand, will soon provide Minister Plibersek with advice.

Macquarie Harbour will need long-term support to recover, and the Australian government is actively working with the Tasmanian government, technical experts and community stakeholders to achieve that, but we also acknowledge that in the short term there are things that we can do. You will be aware that in September last year the minister announced $2.15 million to urgently initiate a captive breeding program ahead of hot summer conditions.


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