Senate debates

Thursday, 12 September 2024

Questions without Notice

Aged Care

2:09 pm

Photo of Katy GallagherKaty Gallagher (ACT, Australian Labor Party, Minister for the Public Service) Share this | Hansard source

I thank Senator Walsh for the question and in particular acknowledge the work she has done throughout her career to support workers in the aged-care sector through her union. A lot of the work we've done and work with that union over time has supported those wage increases into the sector that have been so critical in ensuring we have a workforce to care for elderly Australians.

Since the election the Albanese Labor government has made it a priority to deliver on our promise to older Australians and to the people who care for them. Today there is a registered nurse onsite in aged care 99 per cent the time. Older Australians are receiving an additional 3.9 million minutes of care every single day. We've delivered that 15 per cent increase to the minimum award wage for more than 250,000 aged-care workers, with more to come, and the feedback from the sector is that that's made a real difference not only in appropriately remunerating those workers but also in retention of those workers in this critical system.

This week, we reached another milestone for older Australians and their loved ones. Today the Minister for Aged Care, the Prime Minister and the Treasurer have announced a $5.6 billion package that will make sure older Australians have access to the aged-care services they need and deserve. This delivers a massive $4.3 billion investment in support at home, starting on 1 July 2025; essential changes to improving the funding, viability and quality of residential aged care; new laws to protect older Australians in aged care, with stronger powers to investigate bad behaviour; and civil penalties for breaching standards. These reforms will deliver an aged-care system that older Australians deserve. I acknowledge Senator Ruston for the work she has done with the Minister for Aged Care, Minister Wells.


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