Senate debates

Wednesday, 18 September 2024


Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force

10:24 am

Photo of Malcolm RobertsMalcolm Roberts (Queensland, Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party) Share this | Hansard source

The issue was the report. The issue is now the government's behaviour. It is the government's behaviour that we need to see fixed. What are you hiding? This is supposed to be the house of review, but we can't get documents that are affecting people's lives on a daily basis—good soldiers, good veterans. And you are hiding it. We have been chasing the helicopter investigation report now for literally years. It keeps getting put off. Now we get just the executives summary of a report, redacted. We don't get the investigation report. We don't get the correspondence and all the other documents that are part of this investigation. That's what we asked for. But you're hiding something. You're hiding many things. As a result of the cover-up at least four lives were lost in a helicopter accident. We have received minimal information.

The last few days have been very weird. This is an unusual motion. But it's justified because of your behaviour, your covering up, your hiding. The government's behaviour is responsible for this motion. We've had Senator Ayres and Senator Watt do their usual when they're cornered: label people, smear people and make statements that are erroneous to deflect. It's government behaviour again. You won't be held accountable so you just smear. You blame the coalition, blame the Greens, blame One Nation and blame Senator Babet—blame, blame, blame. You're hijacking, smearing and building facades.

Look at this government. The senators asked the government—the workplace relations minister—to do an investigation into the massive wage theft from Central Queensland and the Hunter Valley miners. The Senate has asked the minister to do that. We've heard nothing. Miners are losing up to $41,000 per year. One claim that went to the Fair Work Ombudsman recently was for $211,000 for one miner. It is billions of dollars.

The Help to Buy scheme—look at it! The Help to Buy scheme is absolutely hopeless. The Greens are opposed to it. We're opposed to it. Most of the crossbench and the coalition are opposed to it. You're digging your own grave. Start behaving responsibly. Then there was the Voice—smashed. It was put forward by the Labor Party without any basis. There was no basis, no argument—just a feeling.

The Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024, the twin of the Digital ID Bill 2024, was passed in the Senate with a complete lack of debate. There were no questions. There was no debate in the committee stage of the bill. It's an absolute disgrace. It's one of the most far-reaching bills in the last few decades and it was completely squashed. There was no debate. The people of Australia couldn't have a say. Now we've got the misinformation and disinformation bill coming in to censor people. You can't even criticise or make a comment about the economy, because that's anti-government.

The fundamental thing is that the defence department and Defence are completely unaccountable, running rampant, destroying people's lives, killing people, causing the deaths of people, wasting billions of dollars and leaving our security in tatters. This is not a defence department—sorry, it is a defence department! It's not defending Australia; it's defending itself. That's why it's called the defence department; it's defending itself.

This government's behaviour is what's driving us to seek to have the minister come in here immediately. You are responsible for this because of your behaviour. This government is absolutely hopeless. You're falling down in every step you make. We need this motion to pass, and we in One Nation will be supporting it.


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