Senate debates

Wednesday, 18 September 2024


Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force

10:32 am

Photo of Jacqui LambieJacqui Lambie (Tasmania, Jacqui Lambie Network) Share this | Hansard source

I move:


(1) the Senate requires the Minister representing the Minister for Defence to immediately attend the Senate to explain:

(i) the lack of transparency and accountability in relation to the tabling of the Twenty-Year Review of the Office of the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force Report;

(ii) why the Twenty-Year Review of the Office of the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force Report was removed as an exhibit from the website of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide;

(iii) who authorised the removal of the Twenty-Year Review of the Office of the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force Report as an exhibit from the website of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide; and

(iv) who has been consulted in relation to the release of the Twenty-Year Review of the Office of the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force Report; and

(2) any senator may move to take note of the explanation; and

(3) any such motion may be debated for no longer than 60 minutes, shall have precedence over all business until determined, and senators may speak to the motion for not more than 5 minutes each.


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