Senate debates

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Questions without Notice: Take Note of Answers

Public Broadcasting

3:09 pm

Photo of Nita GreenNita Green (Queensland, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I also seek to take note of those answers from the minister. The answers from the minister were very clear. In relation to the ABC, the ABC is independent, and that is really important. It is really important that the ABC has independence. It's enshrined in the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act, and it's an important safeguard that ensures that the ABC's decisions are free from political interference.

I read the ABC from time to time. I don't always agree with its reporting of our government or the decisions that we make, but the ABC is independent and able to make those independent decisions. They are also not above scrutiny. They absolutely should be scrutinised and they are. From time to time, quite often, for hours on end, they are scrutinised by this parliament about their editorial decisions and the actions that they take. As was referred to today, an investigation will take place into the program that was referred to in question time.

But the reason that those opposite ask these questions about the ABC and infer that somehow the ABC should not be independent or should not be funded is because they have a deep-seated hatred for the idea that we should have a funded free broadcaster in this country. They want to sell, privatise and cut the ABC and, every time they get into government, they have a really good go at it. They cut the ABC and they try to sell it. This is something they are really up front about. They put motions through their conferences, probably sponsored by Senator McGrath or others, from time to time because they want to sell the ABC. It's not about what's good for Australians; it's about what's good for the pre-selectors of the Liberal-National Party. It's about appealing to their base and trying to stake out a culture war about what the future of the ABC looks like.

But what they don't include in those debates when they propose selling off the ABC is how important ABC is, particularly to regional communities, like the one that I live in, and the important role the ABC place


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