Senate debates

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Questions without Notice: Take Note of Answers

Public Broadcasting

3:09 pm

Photo of Nita GreenNita Green (Queensland, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

Thanks, Deputy President. I was talking about the plans from the Liberal-National Party to sell off the ABC, because we understand the context of the questions they ask. Anyone can see through the context of the questions that they ask. But what they don't talk about is the very important role the ABC plays in regional communities like the one that I live in, and I wish that they would talk about it more. Because, particularly during summer when it comes to cyclones, floods or bushfires, the ABC plays an incredibly important role. Everyone in our regional community relies on and turns to the ABC when there is an emergency. We rely on the ABC to give us the most up-to-date information, particularly in those emergencies. Often, in a regional community like the one I live in and the ones that I represent, the ABC can be the only form of news, of scrutiny of politicians.

The ABC comes to the press conferences that I hold in regional Queensland and they ask me questions as well. It's an important role that they play, particularly in our regions, but those opposite don't want to talk about that. They want to talk about and make the case for reducing the ABC's independence, for reducing the funds for the ABC and for ultimately selling off the ABC. It has always been their plan, and that's why they ask questions like this.

It is really important that we uphold the independence of the ABC. We are not always going to agree with what they print, we are not always going to agree with what they say, but it is very important that they are independent. If those opposite have a different policy position that they are going to put forward at the next election to change the ABC Act to make it less independent, to cut the ABC, to sell it off, then say that, be up front with the Australian people. When it comes to the cuts you are planning at the next election, the $315 billion of cuts you are planning, be up front. When it comes to the IR changes you are planning and selling off the ABC, be up front with the Australian people about what you are planning to do.


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