Senate debates

Wednesday, 18 September 2024


Central Land Council

3:35 pm

Photo of Jacinta Nampijinpa PriceJacinta Nampijinpa Price (NT, Country Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Indigenous Australians) Share this | Hansard source

I seek leave to move a motion as circulated relating to the removal of the chair of the Central Land Council.

Leave is not granted.

Pursuant to contingent notice standing in the name of the Leader of the Nationals in the Senate, I move:

That so much of the standing orders be suspended as would prevent me moving a motion to provide for the consideration of a matter, namely a motion to allow a motion relating to the removal of the chair of the Central Land Council to be moved and determined immediately.

I'm utterly gobsmacked that the Minister for Indigenous Australians had no idea that the chairperson of the Central Land Council was removed from his position last night under very concerning circumstances. I find it utterly ridiculous in fact that the minister had no knowledge of this occurring, especially by 2 pm the day after, right before question time, when I sought answers from the minister.

This is the correspondence I received from the chairperson. It says: 'Dear Senator Nampijinpa Price, I write to inform you of the outcome of the Central Land Council meeting held yesterday in Tennant Creek, where my position as chairperson was terminated effectively immediately. I'm an Arrernte elder who accepted this position with a view that I would be able to make a difference in the lives of our Indigenous mob'—


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