Senate debates

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Matters of Public Importance

Renewable Energy

5:03 pm

Photo of David PocockDavid Pocock (ACT, Independent) Share this | Hansard source

I rise in support of this matter of public importance and thank Senator Van for highlighting the need for greater investment in energy storage capacity.

Rooftop solar is the success story of our energy transition. Australia is a world leader, and now one in three households are benefiting from cheaper electricity because of the panels on their roofs. On current projections, rooftop solar will soon become the largest source of electricity generation in the country. This demonstrates Australians are early and enthusiastic adopters of renewable energy technologies if government can get those settings right.

In 2024 we have an opportunity to make home batteries the next rooftop solar revolution. The most effective way to do this is by including home batteries in the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme; in fact, the member for Indi, Dr Helen Haines, has a private member's bill in the House that will do just that. The opportunity here is huge. While 30 per cent of Australian households have solar panels, only 1.4 per cent have home batteries to store the energy captured from their roofs.

As noted in Senator Van's motion, without batteries much of the power generated during day is wasted or sold back to the grid at a fraction of its value. Extending the SRES to include home batteries will help drive down costs, making it easier for Australians to store the renewable energy they generate. Inclusion in the scheme would mean a $14,500 home battery could be reduced by as much as $3,000—immediate and substantial financial relief for households looking to invest in their energy future. More than that, it would lock in thousands of dollars in energy bill savings for 10 to 15 years. In addition to cheaper bills, more batteries mean reduced emissions. The installation of 500,000 home batteries across Australia would be the equivalent of taking 500,000 cars off the road every single year.

Extending the SRES to include home batteries is a no-brainer. The government should pick up Dr Haines's Cheaper Home Batteries Bill, pass it into legislation and unlock savings for Australians. Here is an Independent who has brought a good idea to the parliament, and I would urge the government to actually take it seriously. She's a good-faith actor in this space, and this bill would make a meaningful difference. It makes sense, it's backed by people in the energy sector and by experts in this space, and I'd urge the government to engage with her and pass it through the lower house.


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