Senate debates

Wednesday, 18 September 2024


Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Removing Criminals from Worksites) Bill 2024 (No. 2); Second Reading

9:17 am

Photo of Tony SheldonTony Sheldon (NSW, Australian Labor Party) Share this | Hansard source

I rise to speak on the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment (Removing Criminals from Worksites) Bill 2024 (No. 2). It's clear from this morning's stunt and the stunt last week that those opposite have no real ideas on how to clean up the construction industry, an industry where wage theft, sham contracting and industrial manslaughter are rife. There are no ideas from the Liberal and National parties to deal with construction workers being mugged by their employers or dying or being maimed on worksites. All we have had before us from those opposite is a rehash of the discredited, disgraced Australian Building and Construction Commission and, today, a rehash of the ensuring integrity bill—a bill that was so toxic that even when those opposite were in government they failed to pass it through the Senate not once but on three separate occasions. It shows how utterly devoid of ideas those opposite are.

Across the entirety of the opposition benches you can count the number of policies they've come up with on one hand: policy 1, uncosted and unmodelled nuclear power; policy 2, raiding everyone's superannuation for everything and anything—


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