Senate debates

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Statements by Senators

Political Leadership

1:47 pm

Photo of Ralph BabetRalph Babet (Victoria, United Australia Party) Share this | Hansard source

People don't trust their government, and rightly so. Whether it's Prime Minister Albanese here in Australia or Keir Starmer in the UK or 'Cackling' Kamala in the United States, we are led by those whose promises seem to bring nothing but devastation. Our PM came to office promising that he would reduce costs, only to oversee price rises on every front. Food, health, electricity, gas, rent—it's all up. Do I need to continue? Probably not. You know what I'm talking about.

But it's arguably worse in the UK. British PM Keir Starmer snuck into office pretending to be a bland, predictable leader, but he now oversees a country being torn apart by race riots. Starmer ignores the genuine concerns of Brits, dismissing the rioters as right-wing thugs. Meanwhile he kowtows to these people who do not share Western values. It's a recipe for disaster. And if you dare speak against his disastrous policies—much as happened here during the Voice referendum—you are deemed to be the problem.

Kamala Harris completes this trifecta of promise-breaking politicians leading their countries to ruin. She'll tell you whatever you want to hear in order to get into office, but she'll continue to divide Americans once in office.

The Western world is in desperate trouble right now because it is led by leaders with forked tongues and duplicitous agendas. We need to support straight-talking politicians who say what they mean and who mean what they say, in order to fix all of our nations before it's too late. I will continue to speak the truth, no matter how unpopular or how costly, to find our way back to being the lucky country.


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